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Faith Journey

As a community, we promote opportunities for people of all walks of life to engage in their journey of faith. We recognize that faith is a life-long journey and desire to walk with people as they pursue God. Through God’s creative Spirit, lively worship, thoughtful small groups, and compassionate outreach we experience change, growth, and newness together.


We are passionately in love with serving God by serving people who are in need in our community and all over the world. We believe Jesus called us to serve those who are oppressed, those who lack food or clothing, or are just in need of God’s love. In serving others we serve a loving God who has compelled us to move towards others as God has moved toward us.

Authentic Relationships
Celebrate People

We believe that all people are created in God’s image. You are welcomed and loved for who you are and invited to worship and celebrate God with us.


Women and men may dress as they wish and may serve in all aspects of church leadership. We encourage women and men to serve on leadership boards, serve as officers, and pursue ordination into ministry. All genders, non-binary, LGBTQIA+ and cisgender folk all reflect God's image.

Love and Grace

We believe in God’s compassion and that our personal brokenness and inability to prevail, as well as the world’s brokenness and inability to heal itself is overcome by God’s grace. Jesus Christ has sacrificially taken on the weight and cost of our sin and the world’s brokenness. We believe that God is love and that the only viable answer to brokenness is God’s love and grace in Jesus. We seek daily to live out this love and grace in our character and in our personal interactions with others.


God has created each of us to live in relationship with God and with other people. We deeply value loving, honest, and open relationships with one another. Together we share our pain and brokenness as well as our joys, and Christ’s presence opens the door to wholeness. We believe this is an essential part of all our ministries and is woven throughout them.

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